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On this page you will find perhaps some of the most important information on this site.   We in Co. 4th will always strive to be as authentic as possible through research and constant improvment of our impressions.  We completely understand that Civil War Reenacting is an expensive hobby to get into.  Upon enlistment, new recruits will be paired with a veteran member who has proven themselves proficient in uniforms, armaments, and etiquette of the period.  You are asked not to purchase anything without checking with your mentor first.  Trust will save you money and embarassment by purchasing the wrong items.  If you are a veteran reenactor yourself who is looking to join then you will be assisted in the proper uniforms for our particular and/or time period.  Our selected period of the war is from Early 1862 through late 1863....However...we do participate in early and late war events.  Everything listed below is meant to guide you on you way to as accurate an impression as possible.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us for clarification.




          ENLISTED:    All enlisted men are to wear correctly constructed Brogans.  NO enlisted men will be authorized to wear boots.

                                There will be no exception to this rule.


          OFFICER:      Officers of the Company will be authorized to wear civilian pattern foot wear.   





           ENLISTED:    Civilian Pattern (early war) or Richmond Depot issued trousers (1862 forward).

                                     MATERIAL:  civilian:  cotton, cassimere, satinett, wool (limited)

                                                          Depot:    Jean cloth, Wool (very limited)


           OFFICER:       Civilian Pattern (til late 63/64):  Civilian material correct to the period

                                  Depot:  Begining in late 63 - early 64 officers were able to buy from the depots.

                                               MATERIAL:  jean cloth of various colors;




            ENLISTED:    Period correct patterns from cotton is highly prefered.  Battle Shirts are to be kept to the period between 1861 

                                  and VERY early 1862.  Once the Depot system kicked in battleshirts in our regiment faded out.  Bone buttons

                                  are prefered.  NO PLASTIC BUTTONS!!!

            OFFICER:      With officers being required to purchase their own clothing the patterns and materials will be left to the 

                                  individual officer.




             ENLISTED:    Early war (61-early 62):  Frock coats made of wool, cassimere, satinett, or wool are acceptable

                                   Mid War (62-late 63):  Richmond Depot Type 2 of jean cloth.

                                                                         Commutation Jackets made of jean cloth, cassimere, or satinett.

                                   Late War (64-65):    Commutation jacket of same type of materials as above

                                                                     Richmond Depot 2 as described above.

                                                                     Richmond Depot 3 made of appropriate materials.

                                   While frock coats are acceptable for various the war went on they were often trimmed down

                                   to a "Roundabout".  Which very closely resembled a shell jacket.


              OFFICER:    Civilian Pattern or Military Pattern frock Coat of acceptable materials (cassimere, sattinet, jean cloth)

                                  Rank will be authorized for both collar and sleeve braiding but it is the choice of the officer as to which to 

                                  wear at what time period.

                                  Commutation Jackets will be authorized for Officers (again...remember...Officers had to provide their own).

                                  Richmond Depot Jackets will be authorized for events after 1862 due to the officer ranks being so

                                  decimated and lower ranks moving up so quickly.




                ENLISTED:    Civilian Slouch Hats - This is the prefered headgear for enlisted men in the 4th Virginia.

                                      Model 1858 Forage Cap - There is documented proof of men within Co. F wearing this style cap....although

                                                                                  not as widely worn as the slouch.  These should be limited to early to mid war but 

                                                                                  they would have been seen throughout the war.

                                       Kepi - This cap is appropriate for any period and is acceptable in wool, jean cloth, or other period correct



                 OFFICER:     Forage Cap - either straight visor or Mcdowel style are acceptable.

                                      Civilian Slouch Hat - remeber....officers had to provide their own.

                                      Officer's Kepi -     Made of period materials with corret rank braiding.  Officers should stay clear of the 

                                                                     enlisted kepi.




                  ENLISTED BELT:  Made of leather (black or brown) and of correct peiod construction and size.

                                                    Prefered to be either Forked Tounge, Georiga Frame, or Roller Buckle in design. 

                                                    State seal, variants of VA buckles, and import buckles are acceptable.

                                                    CSA belt buckles are strongly discouraged!

                                     NCO:       Proper NCO buckle is both aceptable and expected.

                              OFFICER:      Officers are expected to obtain the proper belt and buckle for their impression.  

                                                    Spoon and Wreath, Virginia Seal, and Federal Officer Eagle (early war) are acceptable.

                                                    "Sam Brown" straps are left to the discression of the individual officer.


                   CARTRIDGE BOX:  Made in the Richmond Depot pattern and appropriate for the calibur of rifle chosen.

                                                  Tins are HIGHLY recommended.

                                                  Cartridge box slings are optional but if they are worm they must be of proper construction and 

                                                  length.  Breast plates are acceptable as well....but the Virginia Seal are the only authorized ones.


                    CAP BOX:    Richmond Depot design is highly prefered.  Black or brown.


                    HOLSTER:   Officers are the ONLY individuals authorized to carry revolvers so holsters are only for those ranks.


                    SCABBARD:  Richmond Depot design and appropriate for bayonet to fit rifle.




                     Belt knives will not be authorized.  Many events do not allow them on the field so there is no point in having them.




                     ENLISTED:    Campaign style of camping will always be the prefered style in the 4th.  

                                           Shelter Halves and/or dog tents are authorized for enlisted men.

                                           A Frames are to be used NCO, for families, or on a case by case basis.

                     OFFICER:      Officers may campaign, use an A frame, or Wall Tent depending on the situation and scenario.




                      Model 1855 Springfield Rifled Musket  - 58 Cal.

                      Model 1853 Enfield Rifled Musket - 58 Cal.

                      Model 1861 Springfield Rifled Musket - 58 Cal.

                      Model 1842 Springfield Smoothbore or Rifled - 69 Cal. (VERY LIMITED TO EARLY WAR USE IN OUR REGIMENT)






                     Modern Ameneties are considered anything that would not have been around in the 1860's.  Items such as coolers

                plastic, and soda cans are just a few examples of things that will make a civil war encampment look terrible!  While we

                understand we arent in the 1860's....we are to make things as close as possible.  We recognize that things such as coolers

                may be necessary with our familes in camp and will allow such things AS LONG AS THEY ARE KEPT COMPLETELY OUT

                OF SITE TO ANY AND ALL VISITORS!  We ion the 4th Virginia hold ourselves to a very high standard of authenticity and 

                MUST AND WILL maintain that.  Members who habitually violate this rule will be removed from our active roster.


This list is meant to be a starting point.  As you research and improve your impression you will, without doubt, expand on this.

Please ask questions and never worry about "feeling dumb" about asking.  We are all in this together and are here to help each

other be the best we can possibly be.















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