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In July 1861 the men from the small town of Elk Creek in Grayson County, Virginia arrived in Winchester, Virginia They, along with their neighbors from nearby Wythe, Montgomery, Pulaski, Smythe, and Rockbridge counties formed  up and mustered into confederate service as the 4th Virginia Regiment.  Co. F .  They fought in every major engagment the Army of Northern Virginia took part in.  While at the battle of 1st Manassas in 1861 it is reported that The Brigade Commander, General Thomas J. Jackson, turned to the 4th Virginia and said to "wait til they come within 50 yard, fire, then give them the bayonet.  And when you charge, yell like furies!"  This was the birth of the legendary Rebel Yell....and the 4th Virginia was the first to raise it!  In 1862 the 4th, who would become known as the "Stones of the Wall", marched with Jackson in the now legendary Shenandoah Valley Campaign.  During this they, along with 17,000 confederates, marched 648 miles in 48 days and defeated 3 Federal armies totaling approximately 58,000 men!  Jackson's foot calvary was born!  They fought like demons during the battle of 2nd Manassas despite heavy losses and held long enough for General James Longstreet's men to counterattack the Union men.  On September 4th of 1862 the "Harmless 4th" crossed the Potomac River and the Maryland Campaign began.  During the battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam) the 4th fought hard by the Dunkard Church and Millers Cornfield suffering heavy losses.  In December of 1862 Co. F, along with the rest of the regiment, participated in the battle of Fredericksburg, VA.  Though not positioned on the heavily publicized Marye's Heights, they were engaged on the Slaughter Farm section of the battlefield.  This section was hotly contested, with over 9,000 casualties and actually saw a Union Breakthrough with quickly repulsed by elements of the brigade.  May of 1863 saw tragety hit the now famous "Stonewall Brigade" when their beloved commander, now 2nd Corp Commander was accidentally shot by men of the confederate army while trying to find the end of the Federal lines.  General Thomas J. Jackson, the legendary "Stonewall" died on May 10th, 1863 due to complications from pnemonia.  Almost immediately the men of the brigade petitioned the Confederate Government in Richmond to now officially be known as the Stonewall Brigade.  On May 30th, 1863 their wish was granted.  The Stonewall Brigade became the first and only brigade on either side of the conflict to OFFICIALLY be given a nick name.  During the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863 Co. F participated in the hard fighting contest on the Culp's Hill part of the Battlefield.  During their early morning July 3rd assault the regiment pushed hard up the hill and eventually realized that they had pushed further than their Stonewall Brigade brothers!  They became tangled in hand to hand combat with New York and Ohio Regiments and the ones who didnt get away from the melee soon enough were either killed or forced to surrender.  One of the most painfull loss to the regiment was the loss of its Regimental Colors which fell into federal hands once the regiment was surrounded.  The Regiment reported 66 men fit for duty after the Battle.  The end for the 4th Virginia as well as the legendary Stonewall Brigade came during the battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse during Grants Overland Campaign in May of 1864.  During the attack of May 12th Co. F was positioned with the rest of the regiment and Brigade in the Mule Shoe Salient.  General Horatio G. Wright's men attacked the western edge of the mule shoe the brigade waited til the Federals got close through the fog, raised up to fire....and nothing!  The Brigades powder had gotten damp from the moisture!  Almost 24 hours of hand to hand combat ensued!  Once the smoke had cleared the Confederate leadership had piushed the Federals and their initial success had turned to failure.  But for the men of Grayson County it was to late.  Most of the men of the Brigade, Regiment, and Company were either dead on the field, captured, or wounded.  Those left would be place in a Brigade commanded by the man who began the war as their Colonel, William R. Terry.  They would finish the war combined with other regiments who were to far below full strength to stand alone.  The end finally came after the attempted breakthrough at Saylors Creek, VA.  The remains of the Stonewall Brigade tried to break the Federal Lines but were just too far below strenght to make an impact.  The Surrender of General Robert E. Lee at Appomatix Courthouse, VA saw the 4th Virginia surrender 7 officer and 38 men....only 17 were armed.  The Grayson Daredevils ceased to exist.  The Company surrendered ZERO men.  All of which either had been killed, captured, wounded, or simply left the army and went home prior to the surrender.  Co. F served with distinction throughout the war and fought with an incredible passion for their cause.  Most of the men who served in the company owned no slaves, had small farms, and were committed to their families and community.  We honor those men as well as the families they left behind to serve in this terrible conflict.


Original Daredevils History

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